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2024-01-27 05:25:16
美[noʊsɑːlədʒi]  英[nɒsɒlədʒi]
n.  疾病分类;疾病分类学
  形容词:nosological  副词:nosologically  名词:nosologist  名词复数:nosologies


  1. the branch of medical science dealing with the classification of disease


  1. Boths difference lies to the nosology principle is different, the angle is different. 两者的区别在于对疾病分类的原则不同、角度不同。
  2. Development of a commonly accepted descriptive nosology for psychiatric disorders worldwide has been a tremendous benefit for patients and for research. 在全球范围内为精神障碍创立一个公认的描述性疾病分类标准对于患者和科研而言具有重大的意义。
  3. The usage of different teaching method in nosology 不同教学方法在病理学中的应用
  4. Probe how to train students thinking ability in nosology teaching 在病理学教学中培养学生思维能力探微
  5. The experience of using multymida software in nosology teaching 病理学教学中应用多媒体课件的体会
  6. Talk about nosology experimental teaching of minority nationality 浅谈少数民族学生病理学实验教学