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2024-01-27 05:29:17
美[nɒstɒk]  英[nɒstɒk]
n.  [植] 念珠藻属


  1. found in moist places as rounded jellylike colonies


  1. Nostoc Nostoc Town Village in the town government. 葛仙庄镇镇政府驻葛仙庄村。
  2. Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk. & Curtis) Bornet & Flah. 发状念珠藻(Nostoc flagelliforme(Berk.;& Curtis)Bornet & Flah
  3. However, eating real nostoc also has potential harmful effects. 然而,食用真发菜亦会损害健康。
  4. In this thesis the crude protein, crude fat, sugar and mineral clement of Nostoc Commune was detected. 本文测定了普通念珠藻的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、糖及矿物质营养元素的含量.
  5. A freshwater blue-green alga of the genus Nostoc, forming spherical colonies of filaments embedded in a gelatinous substance. 念珠藻属念珠藻属的淡水蓝绿藻,在凝液物质中形成有细丝围绕的一种柱状
  6. Ambient exposing was conducted to bioindicate air pollution around Lanzhou citywith Nostoc commune. 以地木耳为材料,现场监测兰州市大气污染。