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2024-01-27 05:43:16
美[noʊtældʒɪə]  英[nəʊtældʒɪə]
n.  [医]背痛


  1. Prevention of hypertension and notalgia while young is better than a cure while old. 2.;及早对年轻人推动高血压防治、腰酸背痛预防之工作,以免老来受苦。
  2. The major symptoms of drug-use were eye-indisposed, hypertension, notalgia and muscle pain &neuralgia.Our suggestions were: 1. 3.;人使用药物的主要症状是眼睛不适,高血压,腰酸背痛、肌肉酸痛、神经痛。
  3. "Manual bad people, yesterday, taking a day now notalgia, male masters, let me Cheshuiyihuier!" “人家体力不好,昨天走了一天,现在还腰酸背痛的,男主人,让我多睡一会儿!”
  4. notalgia paraesthetica 感觉异常性背痛
  5. notalgia paresthetica 感觉异常性背痛