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2024-01-27 05:52:16
美[nɑːtʃ]  英[nɒtʃ]
n.  刻痕;等级;切口
vt.  赢得;刻凹痕;计分
  过去式:notched  过去分词:notched  现在分词:notching  第三人称单数:notches


  1. a V-shaped indentation;

    "mandibular notch"

  2. the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks;

    "we got through the pass before it started to snow"

  3. a V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface;

    "there were four notches in the handle of his revolver"

  4. a small cut
  1. cut or make a notch into;

    "notch the rope"

  2. notch a surface to record something


  1. I cut a notch in a stick.我在一根棍子上刻了一个V字形。
  2. He acted up to the notch in that matter.那件事他干得很出色。
  3. This one is a notch better than the other.这一个要比那一个高一等。
  4. The monitor is really a notch above us.班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
  5. My regard for her went up another notch.我对她的敬重又增加了一等。
  6. The notch, to be accurate, should not be wider than 2 mm.精确地说,切口不能超过2毫米宽。
  1. He is keen to notch up yet another success.他渴望能再次成功。
  2. With this performance, she has notched up her third championship title.她因这一成绩而获得第三个冠军称号。
  3. When notching two layers of fabric, notch each layer alternately.两层面料都需打刀眼时,必须一层一层地交替进行。