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2024-01-27 05:53:17
美[nɒtʃˌbæk]  英[nɒtʃbæk]
n.  客货两用车


  1. The shape brings more practicality than a notchback sedan, and it makes for a beautiful, sleek roofline. 形状带来了更多的实用性比客货两用车轿车,它使一个美丽的,圆滑的车顶。
  2. The notchback version, called VW Vento (or Jetta III in North America), was presented in January, 1992. 该客货两用车版本,也就是所谓大众托(或捷达在北美三) ,提出了在1992年1月。
  3. The upcoming A7 would fit that bill, too, but since there is no notchback, standard A7, Audi feels it would be pointless to call it A7 Sportback. 即将召开的高速公路A7将适合该法案的失败,但是,因为没有客货两用车,标准高速公路A7,奥迪认为将是毫无意义的要求它高速公路A7跑车。
  4. The drag reduction of the notchback car platoon is the most, that of the squareback is the next, and the fastback is the least. 阶背式轿车队列的平均减阻率最大,直背式次之,快背式最小。
  5. This creates a unique expression of classic notchback design highly individualised and varying according to your angle of vision. 这创建了一个典型的三厢设计高度个性化的独特的表达,并根据您的不同的视角。
  6. Given all these features, the BMW Concept CS is a modern counterpart to the conventional notchback design of a "regular" four-door. 鉴于所有这些功能,宝马CS概念车是现代对应的“正规”四个传统三厢设计的大门。