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2024-01-27 07:25:17
美[noʊvəˌkeɪn]  英[nəʊvəkeɪn]
n.  <拉>[药]奴佛卡因(一种局部麻醉剂)


  1. procaine administered as a hydrochloride (trade name Novocain)


  1. His gums were dead from the novocain. 他得齿龈因使用麻醉剂而失去知觉的。
  2. The play was written with a pen dipped into Novocain. 这剧本是以不伤人的态度来写的。
  3. When he gave her a shot of Novocain, she began to cry. 当医生给我女儿注射麻醉药时,她开始嚎啕大哭。
  4. For example, lidocaine and Novocain target sodium-channels. 例如,利多卡因和奴佛卡因的主要目标就是纳离子通道。
  5. The Novocain was wearing off a little, but I was somehow happy to feel pain. 麻醉剂的药力已经稍微消失,但我却因为感觉疼痛而有点高兴。
  6. "I want a tooth pulled, and I dont want Novocain because Im in a big hurry," the woman said. 女人说:"我要拔牙,我们赶时间就不用打麻药了。"