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2024-01-27 07:28:17
美[naʊ]  英[naʊ]
adv.  现在;立刻
conj.  既然(与that连用)
n.  现在;此刻
adj.  目前的;现存的
abbr.  全国妇女组织(=National Organization of Women)


  1. 现在,目前,此刻
  2. 立刻,马上
  3. 到现在,迄今
  4. 如今,当今
  5. 刚才,方才
  6. 这时候,这以后
  1. 由于,既然(与that连用)
  1. 现在,此刻
  2. 目前
  3. 现近
  1. 现在的,目前的
  2. 当今的
  3. 现任的
  4. 十分时髦的,领先于潮流的
  5. 属于新一代的
  6. 现存的
  1. =National Organization for Women 全国妇女组织
  2. =negotiable order of withdrawal 可转让的提款单


  1. 现在,目前 at the present
  2. 立刻,马上 at once
  3. 现在 the present time
  4. 说话者用以继续进行叙述、请求、警告等转换语气 used by the speaker, without reference to time, to continue a narrative, request, warning, etc.


  1. the momentary present;

    "Now is a good time to do it" "it worked up to right now"

  1. in the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events;

    "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard" "Washington now decides to cross the Delaware" "the ship is now listing to port"

  2. in these times;

    "it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished" "we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets" "today almost every home has television"

  3. used to preface a command or reproof or request;

    "now hear this!" "now pay attention"

  4. at the present moment;

    "goods now on sale" "the now-aging dictator" "they are now abroad" "he is busy at present writing a new novel" "it could happen any time now"

  5. without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening;

    "he answered immediately" "found an answer straightaway" "an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith" "Come here now!"

  6. (prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity;

    "Now the next problem is..."

  7. in the immediate past;

    "told me just now"


  1. It is now possible to put a man on the moon.目前已能将人送到月球上。
  2. He is writing a letter now.他现在正在写信。
  3. Now you see I am telling you the truth.现在你明白我对你讲的是真话了。
  4. You can click here to download the file now.你可以点击这里立刻下载文件。
  1. Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.现在普遍用煤气烧饭和取暖。
  2. The mystery has now come to light.这个秘密现在已被揭开了。
  3. The boss is being in royal spirits right now.此刻,老板情绪极好。
  4. Now he slept quietly with his fathers.此刻他安静地躺在祖坟中。
  1. Now all are participating in this.目前的事大家都插手了。
  2. She had now a life filled also with a beneficent activity.她目前的生活里善行颇多。
  3. Now, a living language has been found that can play the same intermediary role more successfully.最近,已找到了一种现存的语言,它能更有效地起到中间媒介的作用。
  4. The tools now exist to draw together related material from different domains in a network environment.现存的工具是在网络的环境下从不同的领域同时描绘相关的材料。

