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2024-01-27 08:37:17
美[njuːkliːˌɔɪd]  英[njuːklɪɔɪd]
n.  [生]类核;病毒核心


  1. Their DNA is usually located in a specific part of the cell, called the nucleoid. 它们的遗传物质DNA通常位于一个特定的部位,为了与真核细胞典型的核有所区别,我们称它为核区或类核。
  2. The results showed that the RLO with an integrated cell membrane and a nucleoid of low electronic density appeared in the cytoplasm . 研究表明,该病原体具有完整的细胞包膜,内部具有低电子密度拟核,在胞浆中以两种类型存在-繁殖型和静止型;
  3. Lavdovski nucleoid 拉夫多夫斯基核状小体, 中心体
  4. Lavdovskis nucleoid [医] 拉夫多夫斯基氏核状小体, 中心体
  5. nucleoid body 拟核体