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2024-01-27 08:49:17
美[ˌnjuːklɪəproʊtiːn]  英[ˌnjuːklɪəprəʊtiːn]
n.  核蛋白质


  1. any of several substances found in the nuclei of all living cells; consists of a protein bound to a nucleic acid


  1. A nucleoprotein whose protein component is a histone. 核组蛋白蛋白成分是组蛋白的核蛋白
  2. A nucleoprotein whose protein componentis a histone. 核组蛋白蛋白成分是组蛋白的核蛋白。
  3. The crystal structure of the nucleoprotein is a trimer, with each monomer molecule shaped like a crescent. 核蛋白晶体构造是一种由三条大型分子链组成的三聚体,每一条支链形状就象鸡冠一样。
  4. "Now we want to understand how the nucleoprotein regulates viral RNA replication. 陶一之说:“我们打算进一步搞清核蛋白调节病毒rna复制的机制。
  5. The NP gene of BA88166 encoded a 482 amino acid nucleoprotein, with the deduced molecular weight of 54kD. BA8816 6株np基因编码 4 82个氨基酸的核蛋白 ,推测的相对分子质量 (Mr)约为 5 4× 10 3。
  6. Objective To construct a library of repertoire immunoglobulin against nucleoprotein of influenza virus A. 目的构建A型流感病毒核蛋白全套单链抗体库。