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2024-01-27 09:06:16
美[nʌf]  英[nʌf]
adj.  ; n.; n.& adv.<口> = enough


  1. Steve Francis for only $2.4 million, is nuff said. 居然用240万就搞定了老大。
  2. "Holler nuff!" -- and the pounding went on. 汤姆还在不停地捶打,说: “求饶吧
  3. Final Opinion: Good nuff for me. 最后意见:对我好这份厚礼。
  4. My man got nuff batteries.What you need them for? |我朋友电池不够用 你拿它们也没用吧?
  5. Nuff Said Expo Girl Eddie Izzard. 瑙伦德沃芙Noureen DeWulf.
  6. Well, Im just thinking he should savor his next birthday cake. Nuff said. 唔,我只是说他应该好好享受一下明年的生日蛋糕。说的够多了。