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2024-01-27 09:09:17
美[nuːɡətɔːri]  英[njuːɡətəri]
adj.  无价值的;无效的;无关紧要的


  1. of no real value;

    "a nugatory law"


  1. In determining the question whether or not an appeal would be rendered nugatory, the court must of course first have regard to the nature of the order that is the subject matter of the appeal. 即是说法庭会考虑的问题会包括:如果不暂缓执行,会否使上诉变得没有意义。例如,付了钱给对方,但上诉成功之时,对方已没有能力还钱。
  2. a nugatory idea, argument, proposal, etc 无意义的想法﹑ 争论﹑ 建议等.
  3. Dont waste time to do such nugatory things. 不要为这种琐事浪费时间。
  4. With so little life left in the government, the cost to the careers of Labour mutineers would be nugatory; 能呆在政府里的时间也就只有那么点了,工党哗变者的事业成本没有多少价值;
  5. a nugatory agreement 无效的协定
  6. Nugatory commentaries 空洞的评论