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2024-01-27 09:17:16
美[nʌlə]  英[nʌlə]
n.  流水;水路;峡谷


  1. a ravine or gully in southern Asia


  1. Nullah: Mama say, I Galapa. I magic-man. I wizard-man! 纳拉:妈妈说,我就是加拉帕,我就是魔法师,我就是仙人。
  2. In the quiet mine, there is no voise except the sound of his tooth trembling and the nullah. 在死寂的矿道里,除了水流和他牙齿颤抖的声音,他几乎再听不到任何声响。
  3. It proposes Kai Tak Nullah be decked in the long term to provide land for urban greening and road widening. 当局建议规划区内的启德渠敷设上盖,以提供土地作市区绿化和扩阔道路之用。
  4. Nullah: Mrs. Boss! We gotta get those fat cheeky bulls into that big bloody metal ship! 纳拉:老板夫人!我们已经把这群肥胖的公牛赶紧那艘该死的大铁船里了。
  5. The trapped/perched water may occur at any point along the alignment due to sandy lenses and existence of barrier layers, due to infiltration from sheet flows and nullah flows. 由于沙质透镜和阻挡层的存在,由于岩床和间歇河床流动的渗透,被困住的/栖息的水也许爆发在沿对准线的任何点。
  6. Nullah: I sing you to me. 纳拉:我会通过唱歌来引导你。