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2024-01-27 09:44:16
美[njuːmən]  英[njuːmən]
n.  精灵;守护神


  1. a spirit believed to inhabit an object or preside over a place (especially in ancient Roman religion)


  1. Of or relating to a numen; supernatural. 神的属于神的,关于神的;超自然的
  2. I am surfing numen,come here!we play together. 偶是射手座哦,乐观豁达的性格,是成功的敲门砖。
  3. Of or relating to a numen;supernatural. 神的属于神的,关于神的;超自然的
  4. The Name of God is numen preasens, God with us, Emmanuel. 上帝的名字是厄玛努尔,即上帝与我们同在。
  5. Even if we think of the moon as only a stone, we shall find its very stoniness potentially a numen. 我们即使把月亮想象为仅仅是一块石头,也会发现它的石头性质是个潜在的神。
  6. You are the eidolon from the heavenlinessfire.and you have strongest numen,so never fell down all of the jin. 你这圣火所生的精灵,永远不要跪拜任何神灵。