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2024-01-27 10:16:17
美[nuːntʃɑːkʊ]  英[nuːntʃɑːkʊ]
n.  (日本徒手自卫武术中使用的)索连棍


  1. Nunchaku is a kind of special weapon of China martial art . 双节棍是中国的一种奇门武术兵器,相传是由宋太祖赵匡胤始创的。
  2. Because of its size, the nunchaku is easy to9)conceal. 双节棍样子轻巧,方便携带。
  3. Nunchaku is perhaps one of the most well recognized weapons in2)martial arts. 双节棍可能是武术中最为人所熟知的武器。
  4. Chinese nunchaku tend to be rounded, whereas Japanese are octagonal. 中国的双节棍多是圆的,而日本的是八边形的。
  5. The ranger levels are a little tougher because you have to move with the nunchaku while swiveling your weapon with the Zapper. 如射中了绿色的发光怪物玩家就可以在短期内拥有速射的力量。
  6. Freestyle nunchaku is still in its infancy, but growing fast, with practitioners all over the globe. 自由式双节棍仍处于幼年期,但是发展迅速,并且,拥有遍及全球的爱好者。