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2024-01-27 11:18:16
美[nʌtsoʊ]  英[nʌtsəʊ]
adj.  <口>痴狂的; 发疯的; 发狂的


  1. Bolts and studs installed at the factorywill either have the nuts cemented on or use a second nut as a jamb(误,应为 jam) nutso that re-tightening should not be necessary. 安装在这个工厂的螺栓和螺柱或者具有用胶粘合的螺母,或者使用第二个螺母作为防松螺母,使得不需要再次拧紧。
  2. Bob would go nutso trying to work at Susan’s desk, because (in his mind) there’s way too many places for things to get put and forgotten, way too much visual clutter, and he’d feel cramped. 在他看来,桌子上有太多的东西以至于太容易遗忘,桌子上一片狼藉,所以,他觉得非常压抑。苏珊并不喜欢鲍勃的新桌子。