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2024-01-27 11:52:16
美[nɪmfəl]  英[nɪmfəl]
adj.  nymph 的;幼虫的;蛹的


  1. She fled as if she were a startled nymph. 她像一个受惊的仙女逃走了。
  2. A divinity presiding over forests and trees; a wood nymph. 德律阿得斯森林与树之神; 林中女仙
  3. A wood nymph who was changed into a fountain by Artemis. 阿瑞托莎被阿耳忒弥斯变成喷泉的山林中的仙女
  4. But the nymph Echo kept near him. 但森林女神爱蔻跟在他附近。
  5. The Bath of the Nymph over the bed. 床上端悬挂着一幅《宁芙沐浴图》。
  6. But in some peoples eyes, she is a perfect nymph. 但在一些人眼里她是一位完美的女神。