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2024-01-27 12:18:17
美  英
abbr.  办公自动化(=office automation)


  1. It is required to remove the residues of OA fluxes. 清除有机酸助焊剂的残留物是必须进行的。
  2. OA, HnDebit Fee Due: At your next OA application. 显示你交OA费的时间和费用。
  3. OA: Can we get this Surprise Round started? 我们可以开始突袭轮了吗?
  4. OA: Pick one and quit whining, maybe? 也许,你该停止抱怨然后选一样?
  5. OA always emphasizes on the requirement of clients. 欧澳十分重视客户的要求。
  6. OA literature is not free to produce or publish. 关节炎文学不是免费制作或发布.