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2024-01-27 12:47:17
美[oʊst]  英[əʊst]
n.  干燥窑;烘炉


  1. 烘炉
  2. <主英>干燥窑
  3. 烘房
  4. 烤房
  5. 干燥室
  6. 干烘炉


  1. a kiln for drying hops


  1. In the oast few years, there is a marked change in attitudes towards... 作者:未知文章来源:网友投稿点击数:更新时间:2007-3-14
  2. The head of the federal governments G ulf C oast reconstruction effort , Donald Powell , says the president will have a message for the people of the Gulf Coast. 布什总统将开始他的密西西比州之行,该州是受卡特里娜飓风肆虐受灾最严重的州之一。
  3. If the expensive factory adopt oxygen , oast , salt bath furnace and coal stove etc. to heat a means, ask you to choose usage LW series high frequency induced warmup equipment. 如果贵厂采用氧气、烘炉、盐浴炉及煤炉等加热手段,请您选择使用LW系列高频感应加热设备。
  4. a building containing an oast (a kiln for drying hops); usually has a conical or pyramidal roof. 里面放有烘干蛇麻子的炉子;此屋子通常有一个圆锥形或金字塔形屋顶。
  5. a building containing an oast (a kiln for drying hops); usually has a conical or pyramidal roof 里面放有烘干蛇麻子的炉子;此屋子通常有一个圆锥形或金字塔形屋顶
  6. Keywords Mugil cephalus;formulation of flavoring liquid;t oast fish slices;technology; 鲻鱼;调味液配方;烤鱼片;加工工艺;