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2024-01-27 13:26:17
美[ɒbɪt]  英[ɒbɪt]
n.  <口>讣告


  1. a notice of someones death; usually includes a short biography


  1. Obit pretended to accede to her request and violated her. 双双拖著受伤的身心灵,哭著回家告诉丹萍。
  2. I happened to be in town, I saw|the obit in The Times and I... |我刚好在城里,我看到时代周刊上的讣文...
  3. In the cloister, hell is accepted in advance as a post obit on paradise. 在修院里,地狱生活是当作换取天堂的代价而被人接受的。
  4. A few hours later, Bloomberg pulled the obit and issued a brief retraction. 彭博社数小时后就删除了讣告,并发表了简短的文章收回声明。
  5. The United States successfully launched Mars Global Surveyor into the Mars obit on November 7. 1996年11月7日,美国成功发射“火星环球观测者”进入火星轨道。
  6. Hinton, according to his obit in The Guardian, leaped onto the stage and began singing a song to the good old days. 四十多年了,卞校长的沉冤至今得不到昭雪,冤魂至今得不到抚慰。