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2024-01-27 14:03:16
美[əˌblɪtəreɪʃn]  英[əˌblɪtəreɪʃn]
n.  涂去;抹消;删除


  1. destruction by annihilating something
  2. the complete destruction of every trace of something


  1. All carotid stricture or obliteration occurred at the initial part. 结果 :颈内动脉严重狭窄或闭塞全部发生在起始部。
  2. The general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities. 普通群众仍旧从城市的毁灭上思考问题。
  3. The result of these invasions was the near obliteration of ancient Egypt. 这几次入侵使古代埃及几遭毁灭。
  4. The obliteration of the grotto was not only possible, but relatively easy. 摧毁山洞不但可能,而且易如反掌。
  5. The obliteration of misery will be accomplished by a simple elevation of level. 贫困的消灭将由水平的一次简单提高而得以完成。
  6. HIVD between L4/S, with obliteration of left intervertebral foramen. 第四和第五腰椎间有椎间盘突出,左边椎间孔有闭塞的情况。