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2024-01-27 15:26:16
美[ɒbtʌndənt]  英[ɒbtʌndənt]
n.  止痛药
adj.  减少痛疼的


  1. Re yr. for noted obtund approval by board rl adv. in time for placing dr by Dec 20. 关于你方报已获悉,经董事会同意,将于12月20日前及时奉告订货事宜。
  2. Objective: To study the effect of Fu Fang anti-inflammatory and obtundent capsule for piles. 目的:探讨中草药复方痔疮消炎止痛胶囊的抗炎作用。
  3. The anti-inflammatory and repercussive function of Fu Fang anti-inflammatory and obtundent capsule for piles and its effect on capillary penetration were analyzed and evaluated. 结果:本品高剂量显著减轻二甲苯引起的小鼠耳廓肿胀,并可减轻足跖肿胀度及降低腹腔液的吸光度。
  4. obtundvt. 使迟钝;使缓和