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2024-01-27 15:51:16
美  英
n.  西洋式;西洋气质;西洋精神


  1. the scholarly knowledge of western cultures and languages and people
  2. the quality or customs or mannerisms characteristic of Western civilizations


  1. The Cream of Occident Law Works II. 西方法学名著精萃2。
  2. I am crazy about Occident music and culture. 我热爱西洋音乐和西洋文化!
  3. After diaspora, Jew begins to move to the Occident cosmically. “大流散”之后,犹太人开始成规模的向西欧迁移定居。
  4. Music sky, free mind. This is my space of occident music. 音乐天空,自由心灵。这里是我的欧美音乐天地。
  5. If we stare at outside, we wil be doomed to admire occident trucks. 如果眼睛死盯着外面,我们注定会对欧美卡车羡慕不已。
  6. Our goods export to Asian Thailand Arabia and occident place. 产品以出口东南亚地区.;泰国