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2024-01-27 16:00:16
美[əkluːsɪv]  英[ɒkluːsɪv]
adj.  闭塞的;咬合的
n.  阻塞音


  1. a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it;

    "his stop consonants are too aspirated"

  1. tending to occlude


  1. Main symptom is occlusive painful. 主要症状是咬合痛。
  2. LIMA total occlusive rate was 20. 5% , stenotic rate was 18. 2% . 左乳内动脉桥完全闭塞20.;5%25(9/44);狭窄18
  3. ICA often manifested stenosis, while ACA and MCA had more occlusive lesions especially in adults (P ICA以狭窄为主,ACA、MCA段闭塞明显增多,成人闭塞比例较儿童更高(P<0.;05)。
  4. Twenty patients had occlusive lesions confirmed by DSA,and 18 patients(90%)got the same results using CDU. 2 0例 DSA显示动脉闭塞 ,其中 18例 (90%25 ) CDU检查结果相吻合。
  5. The postoperative complications included 2 cases of hyphema,6 cases of severe anterior uveal reaction,1 case of occlus... 术后并发症有前房积血2例,严重前段葡萄膜反应6例,瞳孔膜闭1例,角膜失代偿1例,脑梗塞1例。
  6. Subjects were 40 to 80 years of age and had coronary disease, other occlusive arterial disease, or diabetes. 受试者年龄在40至80岁之间,他们患有冠心病,其他的动脉闭塞性疾病或糖尿病。