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2024-01-27 16:14:17
美[əkʌrənt]  英[əkʌrənt]
adj.  正在发生的


  1. Food shortage often occur in times of war. 战争期间常发生粮食短缺现象。
  2. One who believes the millennium will occur. 千禧年信奉者相信千禧年会复活的人
  3. Didnt it occur to you that he was lying? 你当时没想到他在撒谎吗?
  4. References to pain occur throughout the poem. 诗中字里行间流露出痛苦之情。
  5. Hydrophobia will occur and get head even it the coldest weather. 狂犬病即使在最冷的天气里也会发生并加剧。
  6. It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur. 我们若竟让核武器大屠杀的惨剧发生,简直是匪夷所思。