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2024-01-27 17:08:17
美[ɒktəhedrə]  英[ɒktəhedrə]
n.  正八面体


  1. Making oars. First step - from square to octahedron. 制作浆。第一步从方形到八面形。
  2. The cycle sum of the rotation group of the octahedron was calculated. 正八面体的旋转群的循环和已算出。
  3. Its my illusion or?Why do I feel its octahedron but not tetrahedron? 是我错觉还是什么?我怎么感觉这剑条是个八面的而非四面的?
  4. The cycle sum of the rotation group of the octahedron was calculated . 正八面体的旋转群的循环和已算出。
  5. A solid figure having24 equal faces,every three of which correspond to one face of an octahedron. 三八面体具有24个面等面、每三个相面对应于八面体的一个面的固体圆形
  6. A solid figure having24equal faces, every three of which correspond to one face of an octahedron. 三八面体具有24个面等面、每三个相面对应于八面体的一个面的固体圆形