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2024-01-27 17:31:17
美[ɑːktet]  英[ɒktet]
n.  [音] 八重唱;八重奏;八位位组


  1. 【音】八重奏
  2. 【音】八重曲
  3. 【音】八重唱
  4. 八个一组的东西
  5. 八行诗
  6. 八重唱演出小组
  7. 【音韵】十四行诗的起首八行
  8. 【计】八位元组
  9. 【物】八偶
  10. 八重线
  11. 八角
  12. 八位长度
  13. 八角体
  14. 八偶体
  15. 八重奏乐团
  16. 八重唱组合
  17. 【计】八位字节
  18. 【计】八比特组


  1. the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one
  2. eight performers or singers who perform together
  3. a set of eight similar things considered as a unit
  4. eight people considered as a unit
  5. a musical composition written for eight performers


  1. Reading and writing octet strings. 读取和写入八位字节字符串。
  2. Octet for winds in E flat major, Op. 八位组为风,在电子商务大调,作品。
  3. Represents an OSI address as a variable-length OCTET STRING. 表示一个用变长八进制字符窗表示的OSI地址。
  4. This is an invalid ip address or subnet. The first octet must be less than 224. 这是一个无效的ip地址或子网。八位数的第一个必须小于224。
  5. This is an invalid ip address or subnet. The first octet must be non-zero. 这是一个无效的ip地址或子网。八位数的第一个必须为非零。
  6. You can identify the class of an IP address by looking at its first octet. 可以通过查看 IP 地址的第一个八位组来识别该 IP 地址的类别。