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2024-01-27 18:45:17
美[ˌoʊdərɪfərəs]  英[ˌəʊdərɪfərəs]
adj.  有香味的;芳香的;臭的;令人反感的
  副词:odoriferously  名词:odoriferousness


  1. morally offensive;

    "odoriferous legislation"

  2. emitting an odor;

    "odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack"

  3. having a natural fragrance;

    "odoriferous spices" "the odorous air of the orchard" "the perfumed air of June" "scented flowers"


  1. Now new research is beginning to unlock the secrets of the odoriferous bulb. 而现在,一项新的研究即将揭开这种散发着臭味的球茎的秘密。
  2. Bouquet. Odoriferous quality of a wine, particularly the odour of fine wines acquired during aging. 陈香、酒香:葡萄酒的香气质量,尤其指高档葡萄酒在陈酿过程中所获得的香气。
  3. Pharmaceutical taste. Unpleasant taste sometimes acquired by wines sotred near odoriferous chemicals. 药味:当葡萄贮藏在有味的化学物质附近时,有时会带上的一种令人不快的杂味。
  4. There are a great number of Odoriferous fountains in Liupanshan Mountain area,south Ningxia. 六盘山地区多处有臭水泉群出露。
  5. Pharmaceutical taste: Unpleasant taste sometimes acquired by wines stored near odoriferous chemicals. 香气: 品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒的果味和酒香。
  6. Pharmaceutical taste. Unpleasant taste sometimes acquired by wines stored near odoriferous chemicals. 药味:当葡萄贮藏在有味的化学物质附近时,有时会带上的一种令人不快的杂味。