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2024-01-27 19:14:17
美  英
sp.  光标记阅读机


  1. Can we have the table oer there? 我们可以坐那边吗?
  2. Here they lie often oer 100 to a room. 他们经常体力透支的回到住处。
  3. About two-thirds of cases are in men oer age 65. 大约2/3的患者都是65岁以上的老年男性。
  4. Sprinkle scallions oer your salad. 在沙拉上喷洒韭葱。
  5. Toast some Brazil nuts and sprinkle oer your salad. 烘烤一些巴西坚果,并将其分散撒在沙拉中。
  6. Hae you oer been arrested for larceny? 你有偷盗被捕的经历吗?