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2024-01-27 19:29:16
美[ɔːf]  英[ɒf]
adv.  表示状态的关闭或离开
prep.  离开;在 ... 之外
adj.  空闲的;离开的;关闭的
v.  离开;脱下
  过去式:offed  过去分词:offed  现在分词:offing  第三人称单数:offs


  1. 隔开
  2. 休息
  3. 距,离
  4. 离开
  5. 完,光
  6. 不再供应,停止,不再工作
  7. 切断,关掉
  8. 取消
  9. 直到最后
  10. 变坏,变质
  11. 不如通常水平
  12. 向那边
  1. 离开
  2. 从,由
  3. 偏离,脱离,离,掉
  4. 【海】在...海面
  5. 从...撤走
  6. 脱出,摆脱
  7. 并不在
  8. 隔着...
  9. 从...脱落,从...掉下
  10. 失去...
  11. 通向...
  1. 远的,较远的
  2. 休假的,休息的,不上班的
  3. 右侧的,右边的
  4. 那一边的
  5. 离开大路的
  6. 横的
  7. 枝节的
  8. 掉,落
  9. 没事的
  10. 腐坏的
  11. 不合时令的
  12. 情况不好的
  13. 腐败的
  14. 关着的,切断的
  1. 离开,走开
  2. 通知中止,中止(和人)交涉
  3. 宰了,除去,杀掉,谋杀
  4. 停约
  5. 死亡
  6. 脱下
  1. =officer 军官
  1. 【板】右前方
  2. 送断
  3. 主球或的球偶然轻碰另一球
  4. 起跑
  5. 击球手前方
  6. 面向的情况


  1. (表示位置)在…的外面,在…的沿海 at the outside of
  2. (表示时间)在…之前 ahead of
  3. (表示方向)从…,通向,偏离,从…离开 from; away from
  4. (表示比较)低于,不及 be lower than
  5. (表示否定)不想,不做 not wishing or needing to take
  6. (表示来源)从 …from
  7. (表示依附)依靠 depend on
  1. 离开 at or to a point distant in space; away
  2. 脱落 into a state of being disconnected or removed
  3. 断开 disconnected at the mains; not being supplied
  4. 光,完 so as to be completely finished or no longer
  5. 休息 away or free from regular work
  1. [A]休息的; 闲散的; 安静的 with less than usual activity; quiet
  2. [P]不新鲜的 no longer fresh


  1. not in operation or operational;

    "the oven is off" "the lights are off"

  2. below a satisfactory level;

    "an off year for tennis" "his performance was off"

  3. (of events) no longer planned or scheduled;

    "the wedding is definitely off"

  4. in an unpalatable state;

    "sour milk"

  5. not performing or scheduled for duties;

    "Hes off every Tuesday"

  1. from a particular thing or place or position (`forth is obsolete);

    "ran away from the lion" "wanted to get away from there" "sent the children away to boarding school" "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal" "went off to school" "they drove off" "go forth and preach"

  2. at a distance in space or time;

    "the boat was 5 miles off (or away)" "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)" "away back in the 18th century"

  3. no longer on or in contact or attached;

    "clean off the dirt" "he shaved off his mustache"

  1. kill intentionally and with premeditation;

    "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"


  1. come off脱离,从…上掉下来,从…中去除,放弃
  2. fall off从…落下
  3. get off下,离开
  4. let off让…下,放掉,放过,免除
  5. live off以…为食; 以…为生
  6. turn off转向,拐弯,使离开,(使)厌烦…,(使)对…失去兴趣
  7. fly off the handle发怒
  8. get sth off sbs hands摆脱某事物
  9. knock sb off his perch击败某人
  10. wipe off the map从地图上抹去,彻底除掉
  1. fish off变质的鱼
  1. off key不合调的
  2. off line不在工作
  3. off the map不重要的
  4. off the wind顺风


  1. The singer was led off the stage by the maestro.歌唱家由那位著名的指挥领着离开了舞台。
  2. Off campus, they faced hostility.在校园之外,他们遭人敌意。
  3. The plane took off and ascended steadily until it was out of sight.飞机起飞之后平稳地逐渐升空直到消失在视野之外。
  1. He forgot to turn off the gas torch when he left.他离开的时候忘记关掉气焊焊炬了。
  2. Please switch the lights off as you leave.你离开的时候请把灯关了。
  3. Make sure the central heating is off.集中供暖设备一定要关掉。
  1. Boring! We should just off him and be done with it!无聊!我们应该干掉他,这样一切就搞掂了。
  2. He pulled off his overcoat and began to work.他脱下大衣,开始工作。
  3. The girl peeled her sweater off over her head.小姑娘从头上把毛衣脱下来。