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2024-01-27 19:40:16
美[əfens]  英[əfens]
n.  过错;冒犯;触怒;犯规;犯罪;进攻


  1. 冒犯
  2. 触怒
  3. 进攻
  4. 攻击
  5. 过错
  6. 罪过
  7. 引起反感的事物
  8. 犯法(行为)
  9. 违法
  10. 违例
  11. 犯规
  12. 锋线队员
  13. 前锋
  14. 进攻方法
  15. 攻势
  16. 犯罪


  1. a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
  2. a feeling of anger caused by being offended;

    "he took offence at my question"

  3. (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act;

    "a long record of crimes"

  4. the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score
  5. the action of attacking an enemy


  1. Others assume its a victimless offense.也有些人认为这是无害过错。
  2. That dirty old house is an offense to the eye.那幢肮脏的旧房子令人看了很不舒服。
  3. No offense, sir, but were searching every vehicle.恕我冒犯,但我们在搜查每一辆车。
  4. He is quick to take offense.他很易发怒。
  5. The author of the best seller of last week is think by the police of repeat offense.上周最畅销书的作者被警察当局认为又是再次犯规。
  6. Harboring criminals is an offense in law.窝藏罪犯是犯法的。
  7. It is an offense to litter handbills.请勿乱丢宣传单张,违者必究。
  8. The offense has improved as well.进攻方面也有获得改善。