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2024-01-27 20:00:16
美[əfɪʃɪənt]  英[əfɪʃɪənt]
n.  主祭


  1. a clergyman who officiates at a religious ceremony or service


  1. Therefore, a smart offic ial from the cent ral govern ment would want to keep his relationships with the local govern ment offici als in good balance. 因此聪明的驻地官员,会小心翼翼地维持和当地官员的平衡。
  2. To serve as an officiant. 司祭作为一个司祭者服务
  3. Show an interest in other people, but dont discuss anything that you wouldnt talk about with your grandmother or religious officiant -- especially with a coworker you dont know extremely well. 对别人表示感兴趣,但是不要谈论那些你不会和祖母或宗教主祭谈论的话题,特别是和一位你了解并不深的同事。
  4. That person can become an official marriage officiant online through some unusual Web sites. 而此人就可以通过网上一些不寻常的网站成为正式婚姻承办者。
  5. funeral officiant 主祭