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2024-01-27 20:10:17
美[ɔːfprɪnt]  英[ɒfprɪnt]
n.  选刊;单独重刊
  过去式:offprinted  过去分词:offprinted  现在分词:offprinting  第三人称单数:offprints


  1. a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication


  1. Offprint Part of a book or journal printed separately. For example: an article from a journal. 从书本或杂志中,选择部份而印成的书。例如杂志内的一篇文章。
  2. Offprint: Part of a book or journal printed separately. For example: an article from a journal. 选印本:从书本或杂志中,选择部份而印成的书。例如杂志内的一篇文章。
  3. Since this year, an excellent work of short-short supermarket still is chosen to carry by offprint ceaselessly. 今年以来,小小说超市的佳作依然不断被选刊选载。
  4. Here, our offprint partial county (city) " 3 tell " the experience in education, in order to provide dinner for reader. 在这里,我们选刊了部分县(市)“三讲”教育中的经验,以飨读者。
  5. Here, our offprint a few contribution, from which, our listen hears the aspirations of teacher, students. 这里,我们选刊了几篇来稿,从中,我们聆听到教师、学生们的心声。
  6. Go to its day to groom now inspect report part offprint to carry, admire in all with the reader. 现将其赴日培训考察报告节选刊载,与读者共赏。