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2024-01-27 20:14:16
美[ɒfskaʊərɪŋz]  英[ɒfskaʊərɪŋz]
n.  垃圾(渣滓;废物)


  1. Political freedom we had won;but the problem of helpless poverty, grown vast with the added offscourings of the Old World, mocked us, unsolved. 我们赢得了政治自由,但贫困交加的问题并未解决,正在嘲弄我们,欧洲落魄者的加入又扩大了这一贫困化。
  2. 45 You have made us offscourings and refuse among the nations. 你使我们在万民中,成了尘垢和废物。
  3. Keywords soybean offscourings;deoderization;decoloration;dietary fibre; 豆渣;脱腥;脱色;膳食纤维;
  4. the offscourings of humanity 人类的渣滓
  5. offscouringsoffscourings 残渣