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2024-01-27 20:15:17
美[uːfskriːn]  英[uːfskriːn]
n.  停拍(在观众视线以外发生的)


  1. Obi-Wan:(Offscreen)Yoda will always be with you. 欧比万:(画外音)Yoda会一直陪在你身边的.
  2. He assumed the role of leader offscreen as well. 他也在银幕后扮演领导角色。
  3. Offscreen voice: Very miserable that! 画外音: 好惨那!
  4. Or youre not starting or ending offscreen. 或者you 不再开始或不结束画面以外。
  5. Offscreen voice: Look situation of a big fight is in hard to avoid. 画外音:看来一场大战势在难免。
  6. Much of the violence and minor character dialogue is offscreen in his films. 他的电影里很多暴力镜头以及小人物间的对话都在镜头焦点以外的画面中。