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2024-01-27 20:23:16
美[ɔːfteɪk]  英[ɔːfteɪk]
n.  商品销售;移去;排水处


  1. I had to get offtake the bus behind. 我不得不下车上后面的公共汽车。
  2. Overall, the heaviest offtake of Canadian comes from China and Soviet Union. 总的说来,加拿大粮食的最大买主是中国和苏联。
  3. Offtake from other Asian and Japanese consumers has also been brisk. 亚洲其他国家与日本的铝需求量也活跃起来。
  4. One method of preventing seawater intrusion is to reduce offtake to a planned level. 防止海水入侵的一种方法是减少开采量使其达到设计的地下水位标高。
  5. Well injection rates in a particular area would initially be generally similar to pumping, offtake, rates. 对一个具体地段来说,井的注水速率开始时应当接近抽水速率。
  6. High, medium and low gas pipeline 150 km, 14 offtake station, building supply rate of more than 95%. 高、中、低煤气管道150公里,14个煤气调压站,楼房供气率达到95%25以上。