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2024-01-27 21:05:17
美[ɔɪləlɪ]  英[ɔɪləlɪ]
adv.  油似地;光滑地;马屁十足地


  1. Dish is done too oilily, too sweet, many perhaps starch kind food is stodgy. 头盘吃完以后,尽量少吃生食。尽量养成吃一整个时令水果做甜点的习惯。
  2. Can need according to oneself inside blind fold, add refrigeration agent or be stained with essence of life to make up oilily cotton. 眼罩内可以根据自己的需要,加入制冷剂或沾有精油的化妆棉等。
  3. And Chinese meal decoct fries a lot of moment, be in especially a few use animal oil and not be the plant is boiled oilily in feeding, lampblack is very much. 而中餐很多时候是煎炒的,尤其是在一些用动物油而不是植物油的煮食中,油烟都很多。
  4. This paper expounds the concept of OILI,analyzes on the advantages of OILI,and puts forward some suggestions on constructing OILI system. 阐述了在线信息素质教育的概念,分析了在线信息素质教育的优势,提出了构建在线信息素质教育系统的建议。
  5. You can discover your face is besmeared oil is oilily, but still can dry minor lines appears come, even somebody still can be all round the eye the adipose bead that grows a white. 你会发现自己的脸被涂得油油的,但依然会有干燥的小纹冒出来,甚至有人还会在眼睛周围长出白色的脂肪粒。
  6. : 7-year-old at the time, a fashion company Oilily as the plane. 工作:7岁的时候在一家时尚公司Oilily的平面照。