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2024-01-27 21:35:16
美  英
n.  俄克拉荷马州民;农夫移民


  1. You detect that, an Okie nuttiness? 你发现了?一个潇洒的俄克拉荷马州人?
  2. You detected that, an Okie nuttiness? 你尝到了吗,带有橡木香气果仁味的?
  3. As he puts it, in an Okie drawl: “Ive been an oilman all my life. 皮肯斯以俄克拉荷马州的长腔表示:“我一生都在从事石油方面的工作。
  4. The room still okie, but the servise is not so well enough... 男孩一直打电话给女孩可是女孩没接。
  5. Okie, on top have some raisin and the onion, the taste is sour. 哈哈!!因为有葡萄干,所以上面红红的味道是酸的。
  6. It is single digits with a minus zero windchill here in Okie land. Need a heavy bear rug in the teepee tonight 心情: adventurous 星期三。