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2024-01-27 21:41:17
美  英
n.  奥拉夫(m


  1. Olaf was finally defeated and killed. 奥拉夫最后战败身亡。
  2. Andy and Olaf live together on a farm. 安迪和欧洲反舞弊局共同生活的一个农场。
  3. Olaf appears to be somewhat overweight. 奥拉夫,便显得有点超重。
  4. Olaf Martens pursues his own ideas. 马斯滕对自己的观念一意孤行。
  5. Olaf is going to put in for a job with a business firm. 奥莱夫打算申请到一家商行里工作。
  6. Count Olaf: Now that were a family I can be the ulll-timate DAD. 奥拉夫:现在既然我们是一家人我能够成为你们的父亲。