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2024-01-27 21:52:17
美[oʊldstər]  英[əʊldstə(r)]
n.  上了年纪的人


  1. an elderly person


  1. The beautiful youngling is a fantasy of the nature, while the fair oldster is the masterpiece of the art. 美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的老人却是艺术的杰作。
  2. The works of Oldster in Red Coat has won the "Excellent Prize" in the Second Art Exhibition of Minorities. 运用强烈的形状与色彩对比,重新构建自由的想象和敏感的形式,表达了新生代画家的观念。
  3. Prime Wen required that orphan, oldster, handicapped have to be allocated properly. 温总理还下令妥善安置孤儿,孤老,孤残。
  4. That means that, even in an aging society, Sen.McCain cant count on the oldster vote, even as Sen.Obama is relying on the youth vote. 也就是说,即使是在一个老龄化的社会,麦凯恩也不能指望老年选民,尽管奥巴马依靠年轻选民。
  5. This is a time for youngster to give vent to ones full energy ,oldster recover ones youthful vigour and worker can reduce stress from dance too. 能让年轻人发泄过多的精力,年长者返老还童和让上班族发泄累计在心里的不满,减压等等达到忘我的境界。
  6. I thinks grandam used to chase.Will compare with longevity,Because oldster always ask for a great deal athletic compare with good,Go without all along sedentarily,Grandpa,You ask for carefully! 我想奶奶常跑步.;会比较长寿,因为老年人总是要多多运动比较好,不要一直坐著,爷爷,你要小心了!