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2024-01-27 22:07:17
美[oʊlɪɪn]  英[əʊlɪɪn]
n.  甘油之油酸脂;脂肪之液状部份


  1. a naturally occurring glyceride of oleic acid that is found in fats and oils


  1. The fatty acids are formed of stearin, olein, and palmitin, with glycerine as the base. 脂肪酸是由硬脂、棕梠脂、油脂以甘油为基形成。
  2. Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil, Olein, Stearin and Hydrogenated Coconut Oil do not hav ... 调和油营养更均衡!向大家强烈推荐用油多用调和油!
  3. Crude palm oil carries a duty of 65%, while refined, bleached and deodorized palm olein carries a duty of 70%. 粗加工棕榈油的税率为65%25,而精加工棕榈油精以及经漂白、除臭处理的棕榈油精的税率为70%25。
  4. Recently, KFC China and StarbucksCoffee Company have switched to palm olein due to its techno-economic advantages. 然而中国的餐饮业应用棕榈油情况并没有如此广泛。
  5. Lipase activity was measured in the presence or absence of nicotine using olein as substrate. 用三油酸甘油酯为底物,在加入尼古丁前后,检测脂肪酶活性变化。
  6. Main olein product: Camellia-oil, fragrant sesame oil, well distributed oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil. 主要油脂产品:山茶油、香麻油、调和油、菜籽油、花生油。