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2024-01-27 22:19:17
美[ɒlfæktɪv]  英[ɒlfæktɪv]
adj.  嗅觉的


  1. of or relating to olfaction


  1. This great olfactive family is characterized by Virginia cedar, Gaiac wood, pine essence, patchouli, sandalwood, and vetiver. 这个大芳香家庭由香柏木、广霍香、愈创木、松树精质、檀香和岩兰草诠释。
  2. "The part of our brain that understands scent is the same part that deals with memory andemotio," explains Annetee Green,president of the Olfact ory Research Fund in New York. “大脑中感觉嗅觉和功能区,同样也是处理记忆和情感的功能区,”纽约嗅觉器官研究基金主席安尼特·格林解释说。
  3. "The part of our brain that understands scent is the same part that deals with memory andemotio," explains Annetee Green, president of the Olfact ory Research Fund in New York. “大脑中感觉嗅觉和功能区,同样也是处理记忆和情感的功能区,”纽约嗅觉器官研究基金主席安尼特·格林解释说。
  4. olfactive angle [医] 嗅角
  5. olfact 气味单位,嗅觉系数,嗅阈值