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2024-01-27 22:20:16
美[ˌɒlfæktɒmɪtə]  英[ˌɒlfæktɒmɪtə]
n.  嗅觉计;嗅觉测量器
  形容词:olfactometric  名词:olfactometry


  1. To test their theory,Butler and his research assisants built an "olfactometer" to measure mosquitoesodor preferences. 为了验证他们的理论,布特勒和助手们建起了一个“嗅觉测量器”去测试蚊子对气味的偏好。
  2. Methods In laboratory Y-shape olfactometer was used under dynamic airflow in this study. 方法在实验室内利用"Y"形嗅觉仪在动态的气流中进行测定。
  3. The olfactory responses of two termite species to several substances in different concentrations were studied by using the Y-tube olfactometer and EAG. 利用白蚁喜食和对白蚁有引诱作用的几种物质(甘蔗粉、木耳粉、松花粉及柠檬醛和香草酸)对两种乳白蚁进行了“Y”型嗅觉仪试验和触角电位(EAG)测定。
  4. Methods Ethanol extractions of five plants were tested for repellence against the female adults of Cx.pipiens pallens with a "Y" olfactometer. 方法将5种植物粉碎后用无水乙醇浸提,然后用“Y”形嗅觉仪测定其对淡色库蚊雌蚊的驱避效果。
  5. The attraction of castor leaves to Holotrichia oblita (Fadermann) was evaluated in olfactometer, electroantennography and field cage tests. 摘要利用嗅觉仪、触角电位仪、田间笼罩试验等方法测定了蓖麻叶对华北大黑鳃金龟的引诱作用。
  6. To test their theory, Butler and his research assisants built an "olfactometer" to measure mosquitoes odor preferences. 为了验证他们的理论,布特勒和助手们建起了一个“嗅觉测量器”去测试蚊子对气味的偏好。