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2024-01-27 22:24:16
美[ɒlɪd]  英[ɒlɪd]
adj.  臭的


  1. Specially, the enterprises will produce shapes of olid alkali to satisfy the different users request. 特别是将生产各种形状的固碱,可满足不同用户的要求。
  2. I have no choice but to park my car between a olid W.C. and a dirty garbage can. 我只好把车停在一个臭气熏天的厕所和脏兮兮的垃圾筒之间。
  3. Another day of wild swings on Wall Street with stocks finishing the day on a s olid gain , ending up about 400 points. 华尔街又一天摇摆不定,股票最后有了实质收获,收盘涨了400点。
  4. A general review for polymer materials of s olid membrane has been given,meanwhile the applications of polymer membrane are mentioned. 膜材料是膜分离技术的关键.;文章介绍了目前常用高分子固体膜材料及其应用
  5. Keywords olid acid;iron oxide;esterification; 固体酸;氧化铁;酯化;
  6. olid -pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas 胰腺实性假乳头状肿瘤