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2024-01-27 22:27:16
美[ˌɒlɪgɑːkɪk]  英[ˌɒlɪgɑːkɪk]
adj.  寡头政治的;主张寡头政治的


  1. of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy


  1. The great oligarchic fortunes are in oil and metals. 这个寡头国家的巨额财富来自石油和金属。
  2. The oligarchic regime seems to be losing contact with the grass roots. 那个寡头政权看来正在渐渐脱离民众。
  3. The oligarchic monopoly is a kind of efficient market structure, the advantage of which can push the development of the completely well-off society. 摘要寡头垄断是一种有效率的市场结构,这种市场结构的优势有助于推进我国全面的小康建设。
  4. Ancient Athenians would probably have regarded the British and American political systems as oligarchic. 古雅典人估计会把英国和美国的政治制度看作寡头政体。
  5. Its dominance was so tyrannical that it overshadowed all the former oligarchic rules. 他的作品揭穿了谎言,把历史的真实昭诸后世。
  6. Oligarchic growth fills the system with a surplus of aspiring planets, only some of which will make it. 寡头系统的成长使得系统内充斥了过多的准行星,但其中仅有少数能够存活下来。