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2024-01-27 22:32:17
美[ɒləgoʊkiːt]  英[ɒləgəʊkiːt]
adj.  寡毛纲( 环节) 动物( 的)
n.  寡毛纲( 环节) 动物( 的)
  形容词:oligochaetous  异体字:oligochete


  1. hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body


  1. The standing crop of mollusk in subarea of Guozheng Lake, both aquatic oligochaete and aquatic insect in subarea of Shuiguo Lake was maximal. 软体动物现存量以郭郑湖最高,水栖寡毛类与水生昆虫均以水果湖最高。
  2. The presence of oligochaete does not have influence on the removal of COD and NH3-N,but it affects the removal of TP,and the removal of turbidity is affected by the quantity of oligochaete too. 蠕虫的存在对COD、NH3-N的去除没有明显的影响,但不利于对TP的去除,且浊度的去除也受蠕虫密度的影响。
  3. Effects of oligochaete reactor on treating the discharged excess sludge 利用寡毛类蠕虫反应器处理剩余污泥的研究
  4. Keywords biomass media;biofilm reactor;wastewater treatment;oligochaete; 植物中空纤维填料;生物膜反应器;污水处理;蠕虫;
  5. Study on Sludge Reduction in Self-forming Dynamic Membrane Bioreactor by Oligochaete 利用蠕虫实现自生动态膜生物反应器污泥减量研究