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2024-01-27 22:39:17
美[ˌɒlɪgoʊmaɪsən]  英[ɒlɪgəʊmaɪsɪn]
n.  [微]寡霉素


  1. Objective To obtain the correct nucleotide sequence of oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein(OSCP) of rats. 目的获取具有正确核苷酸序列的大鼠寡霉素敏感相关蛋白(OSCP)基因。
  2. The inhibitory effect of oligomycin on the activity of membrane Mg~(2+)ATPase activated by light with DTT was influenced by temperature. 寡霉索可抑制光下DTT激活的Mg~(2+)-ATP酶活力并促进质子流出,这两种效应对温度的反应相似,并受膜能化状态的影响。
  3. The main metabolites they produced, ElO7a, 21-A and 21-B, were identified as Oligomycin A, Avermectin aglycone A2a and Avermectin aglycone Aia. 它们所产生的主要代谢产物E107a、21-A、21-B被鉴定为寡霉素A、阿维菌素糖苷配基A_(2a)、阿维菌素糖苷配基A_(1a)。
  4. The mutational strains can produce only components B of avermectins, that oligomycin biosynthesis gene cluster and aveD gene has been deleted. 将透明颤菌的血红蛋白基因引入阿维菌素产生菌,改进氧的供应,阿维菌素的产量不断提高。
  5. Oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein 寡霉素敏感相关蛋白
  6. Keywords Oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein;Plasmids;Recombination;Clone;Prokaryotic expression;Rat; 寡霉素敏感相关蛋白;质粒;重组;克隆;原核表达;大鼠;