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2024-01-27 23:13:17
美  英
n.  奥马尔(m


  1. Bart, Chang and Omar rode their bicycles to school. 巴特、小张和奥马都是骑车上学。
  2. Whats my opinion? I go along with Omar. (我有什麽意见?我和欧玛看法一致。)
  3. Today is Omar Epps 36th birthday. 今天是福曼医生的36岁生日哦,嗨皮波斯的。
  4. Maulvi Omar was arrested on Monday. 欧玛在周一被捕。
  5. The Islamist regime of General Omar al-Bashir is brutal. 奥马尔?巴希尔将军领导的这个伊斯兰政权是残忍的。
  6. I sent Omar an e-mail: Whats your timeline for the business? 我给奥马尔发了封邮件:‘你什么时候打算离开现在的工作?’