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2024-01-27 23:14:16
美[oʊmeɪsəm]  英[əʊmeɪsəm]
n.  重瓣胃


  1. the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant


  1. Goats use rumen, reticulum and omasum to digest silage. 羊利用瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃来消化草料。
  2. The effect of lactic acid on eliminating black membrane of beef omasum is studied in this paper. 本项试验对乳酸在牛百叶脱黑膜工艺中的作用效果进行了研究。
  3. Studied the effect of citric acid,lactic acid and acetic acid on the black memtrane elimination of fresh beef omasum. 研究了柠檬酸、乳酸和醋酸对鲜牛百叶的脱黑膜作用。
  4. The Treatment Experience on Farm Cattles Impaction Omasum 耕牛瓣胃阻塞治疗体会
  5. Diagnosis and Treatment of Omasum Impaction in Dairy Cows 奶牛瓣胃阻塞的诊疗
  6. Curing of Omasum Impaction By Operating in Right Iliaca of Cows 右髂部切口治疗奶牛瓣胃堵塞