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2024-01-28 00:17:16
美[ɒnədʒə]  英[ɒnədʒə]
n.  中亚野驴;弩炮;投石器


  1. an engine that provided medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones and other missiles
  2. Asiatic wild ass


  1. A fast-running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp. onager) of central Asia, having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back. 中亚野驴一种跑得很快的野生驴(马属波斯野驴亚种中亚野驴),产于亚洲中部,长有竖立的鬃毛,而且背上有一条很宽的黑色条纹
  2. Put an onager in a city and sally forth when someone attacks, you can destroy them without them attacking you. 在城里放个弩炮,当有人攻城时,出击,他们打不到你,而你能打到他们。
  3. The onager represents the nomadic tribes, an untamable ferity and passion and the limitless frontiers and dreams where we had galloped before. 蒙古野驴代表了游牧民族,代表了一种不受驯服的野性和激情,代表了我们曾经驰骋的无界的边疆和梦想。
  4. a fast-running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp. onager) of central Asia,having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back 一种跑得很快的野生驴(马属波斯野驴亚种中亚野驴),产于亚洲中部,长有竖立的鬃毛,而且背上有一条很宽的黑色条纹