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2024-01-28 00:20:17
美[ɒnbɔːd]  英[ɒnbɔːd]
adj.  机上的;装载的
adv.  在板子上


  1. Take an onboard radar for example. 就拿机载雷达为例吧。
  2. Remarks: The tickets will be sold onboard. 将在船上售票。
  3. Q Do you have ISM certificates onboard? 你船上有ISM证书吗?
  4. Is effective onboard training conducted? 船上的培训已按要求进行?
  5. Who is the Fire Brigade Commander onboard ? 谁是船上防火队的指挥人?
  6. The onboard processor offers other ways to save power. 在尘粒内装设处理器,是节省电力的另一种途径。